About Us
Grace Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the nation's largest and most "mainline" Lutheran body, and part of the Nebraska Synod. Read more about what we believe at the ELCA website.
Our Staff:

Pastor Emily
Director of Music
Assistant Organist
Office Administrator
Our Policies:
See this document for more information about our policies when using the building and its resources.
You plan to be married at Grace Lutheran Church! It is our joy and privilege to assist in making your wedding a time of celebration. As you come to the altar of the church, the place that we offer God worship and praise and thanksgiving, you are asking God to meet you here and bless your marriage celebration.
The grief and shock of a loved one’s death may be overwhelming, a feeling compounded by all of the decisions that must be made. This booklet comes to you with the condolences and prayers of our congregation and is intended to help make some of the planning and decisions of the days ahead a little easier. Please feel free to contact the pastor or the church office with any questions.
The purpose of these rules is to set forth the way in which the Columbarium at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church is administered and controlled.